PBS Sherlock Event At NYC’s French Institute
10,000 people entered. Only 125 pairs of ticket lottery winners and some lucky fans who waited on the standby line were able to attend Wednesday’s event at New York’s French Institute/Alliance Francaise. Those who were able to make it in were able to see lead actor Benedict Cumberbatch, co-creator Steven Moffat, and producer Sue Vertue.
The event started with a 35 minute preview of the season premiere episode “A Scandal In Belgravia” followed by a Q&A session and an autograph signing.
Benedict Cumberbatch listening to a question.
Steven Moffat and Sue Vertue discussing a question.
The panel deliberates.
Steven Moffat talking with his hands.
Check back later for more photos, Q&A highlights, and photos from yesterday’s SoHo Apple Store Q&A!
This post on the Sherlock Series 2 press event <a href=“http://thedailyheynow.net/post/22458548448/steven-moffat-sue-vertue-at-sohos-apple-store”>and the followup story on their Apple Store appearance</a> was my first attempt at covering entertaiment promotional events. Event recaps became my TheDailyHeyNow specialty. Articles originally posted May 4 & 5, 2012